Saturday, 10 August 2019

Aspirin Side Effects and Uses - aspirin Tablet 75mg, 150mg - Tab Caprin, Danamep

aspirin Tablet 75mg, 150mg - aspirin Side Effects and Uses - Tab Caprin, Danamep, Micropirin injection and tablets. Daily low-dose aspirin is a blood thinning medicine. Aspirin is also known as acetylsalicylic acid. Low-dose aspirin helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes in people at high risk of them. Your doctor may suggest that you take a daily low dose if you have had a stroke or a heart attack to help stop you having another one. Or, if you're at high risk of heart attack - for example, if you have had heart surgery or if you have chest pain caused by heart disease (angina). Only take daily low-dose aspirin if your doctor recommends it. Low-dose aspirin comes as tablets. It's available on prescription. You can also buy it from pharmacies, shops and supermarkets. Children are sometimes treated with low-dose aspirin after heart surgery or to treat a rare illness called Kawasaki disease. Children should only take low-dose aspirin if their doctor prescribes it. Taking low-dose aspirin to prevent heart attacks and strokes is not the same as taking aspirin as a painkiller. Read our information on aspirin for pain relief. Daily low-dose aspirin makes the blood less sticky and helps to prevent heart attacks and stroke. It's usual to take a dose of 75mg once a day. Sometimes doses may be higher. It's best to take low-dose aspirin with food so it doesn't upset your stomach. Taking low-dose aspirin isn't safe for everyone. Only take low-dose aspirin if your doctor recommends it. Low-dose aspirin is also called by the brand names Caprin, Danamep, Micropirin and Nu-seals. Find all our videos here: #aspirin #aspirintablet #caprin

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